Ace IT is 10 years old!

The start of 2024 finds Ace IT celebrating its 10th Birthday! Much has happened over the last decade and it’s fantastic to think that we are still learning, improving, and growing.

Of course, we could not have done this without our fantastic team and amazing customers. A huge thank-you to everyone who has put their trust in us and allowed us to build something special.

We have lots of updates coming in 2024 as we plan to bring in new products along with streamlined billing and the ability to pay by Direct Debit. If you are reading this you have already found our new website with our new Logo, a little bit of a makeover never goes amiss when you reach a milestone Birthday!

Back in 2014 when we started Ace IT we knew we wanted to do things a little differently, focusing on customer service ahead of sales targets and the latest gadgets. That friendly and can-do nature has helped us grow way beyond what we first envisioned.

We can’t wait to get started in 2024. IT is always changing, the challenges and threats become more complex and the possibilities even greater. Exciting times are ahead and we look forward to sharing them with you.

Thank you again everyone!

Glen, Graham and James

(The picture at the top of the post of of a youthful James Twigg, Graham Elgie and Glen Palmer-Barnes outside of our Castle Donington office in 2014